Week 4
1:00 - 1:05 : Questions & check-in
1:05 - 1:15: Upcoming assignments
1:15 - 1:55: Capstone groups flash presentations
1:55 - 2:00: BREAK
2:00 - 2:10: DIP Documentation Plan
2:10 - 4:00:
- Meetings with Research Data Services, UCSB Library
- Coworking
- Check-ins with groups
Upcoming capstone deadlines
To do by next week
💻 Update GitHub organization
Due by end of 29/1
Copy your organization’s URL into this shared spreadsheet.
Your GitHub organization’s landing page to include the project summary you submitted a on week 2. Delete all the repositories, issues, and projects from this week’s demo sessions.
Make all members in your organization public members, so people can see your GitHub profiles when they visit your org.
📥 Submit (due on Tuesday 1/28)
Add the following updates to your DIP draft document:
- Updates for all other sections you’ve drafted so far: Resolve all comments
- Title page, budget and budget justification, and references section
- Draft of Data Management Plan and Documentation Plan sections due on Friday 2/7
Remember to always read the Capstone Guidelines first if you have questions about how to write any of the DIP sections!
🤝 Check Team Management Plan
Add this item to the agenda for your next meeting with your advisor or email them asking for their feedback:
Discuss “Expectations between students and advisor” in TMP If you are not sure how to bring this up try something like:
“Our Team Management Plan must include a section about expectations between students and faculty advisor. We have included some of these expectations and would like to discuss them with you. We also want to integrate expectations you have about how our team will conduct its work in this project.”
If you have already checked these expectations with your advisor, great! You’re done.
💬 Schedule 1-1 meeting
We’ll have 1-1 in-person meetings February 12-16 to check how everything is going. Please book a 10-minute slot to meet on my calendar. Meetings will take place at my office BH 4424.