Week 3

💻🤓 REMINDER: Dive into your data and start coding!

Don’t wait for your DIP planning to be finalized- jump into coding and exploring your data now! While writing the DIP, keep actively engaging with your data, running preliminary analyses, and coming up with questions. Divide tasks among team members so you can make progress on multiple fronts.

You got this!


📕 Class slides

📖 Capstone Guidelines


1:00 - 1:10 : Questions & check-in

1:10 - 1:20: Upcoming assignments

1:20 - 1:55: GitHub organization & projects

1:55 - 2:00: BREAK

2:00 - 2:55: DIP Solution Design / Check-ins with groups

2:55 - 3:00: BREAK

3:00 - 3:45: DIP Timelines & Milestones / Check-ins with groups

3:45 - 4:00: ABT elevator pitch

Upcoming capstone deadlines

To do by next week

📥 Submit (all due by Tuesday 1/28)

Draft of DIP Solution Design section, including Approach, Methods, and Research Data

Include your workflow diagram draft (a screenshot is ok). In your final DIP this should become a finalized figure with an overview of your project’s workflow. Add these sections to your DIP draft in the DIP drafts shared folder.

There might be details, questions, or even gaps about how you’ll create your deliverables. Start filling those in. First step is always to research, brainstorm, and clarify with your team. Then, as needed, reach out to your advisor or client with questions or options.

Draft of DIP Timeline & Milestones

Include a Gantt Chart to visualize represent your project’s timeline. Some Gantt chart resources from Casey O’Hara. You can also make a nice looking one in Google sheets.

Timeline should include client’s and academic deliverables, and appropriate intermediate deliverables leading to the project’s completion

Add these sections to your DIP draft in the DIP drafts shared folder.

Research Data Services Questionnaire

Next week, each team will meet independently with the Research Data Services (RDS) team from the UCSB Library to help you plan your Data Management Plan.

Complete the following tasks in preparation for this meeting:

  • Read the Data Management Plan section of the MEDS Capstone Project Guidelines (1 page)
  • Answer this questionnaire prepared by RDS. This is an informal document, short answers are ok. If a question is not relevant you can skip it or write a short explanation why this does not apply.
  • Add your answered questionnaire to the “DRP meeting questionnaire” shared folder by Tuesday 1/28.
  • Come prepared with questions about data management and archival for your project.

💬 Prepare a flash talk

Prepare 4 slides covering:

  • Slide 1: A cover slide (see template)
  • Slide 2: Your ABT elevator pitch telling us what your project is about (30 seconds max)
    • Your ABT slide should look like the in-class examples: include “and”, “but”, “therefore”
    • Audience for ABT pitch: general audience (think anyone at Bren)
  • Slide 3: Brief overview of project’s products and deliverables
  • Slide 4: Approach and methods draft diagram

Pick a person or two who are ready to do a 3 minute presentation next class.

Add slides to Week 4 - Flash talks before class.

Focus on:

  • Avoiding big blocks of text.
  • Make sure font is not too small.
  • Seamless transitions between sections, clear, and precise speech.
  • Practice and time it!
  • Listen for every qualifier you use. “Kind of” “sort of” “I guess.” Avoid these!
  • When describing your workflow diagram, practice curious statements. Instead of “We have no idea how we’re going to do this part,” what can you say?
  • Project your voice!
  • Ask for questions at the end of the presentation

📝 If needed: Update GitHub organization & team management plan


  • Your GitHub organization’s landing page to include the project summary you submitted a on week 2. Delete all the repositories, issues, and projects from this week’s demo sessions.

  • If your team plans to use GitHub issues, milestones, and projects to track progress or allocate tasks, update your team management plan to include these.